Amelie Bouvier, Mattia Denisse, Marjolijn Dijkman, Marcin Dudek, Filipe Felizardo, Benoit Felix, João Fonte Santa, Musa paradisiaca e Roeland Tweelinckx
Curadoria > Eduardo Matos
De uma maneira ou de outra o local, o espaço, a paisagem e o seu contexto cultural, físico e imaterial têm sido para artistas a forma/matéria do seu trabalho. É uma relação complexa já bem sinalizada no contexto da arte contemporânea, que cada um procura e que é sempre singular. Falamos da percepção do real e das relações que os objectos produzidos têm com este, falamos das circunstâncias em que as coisas nos são dadas a ver, a ressonância que se produz nessa experiência e a percepção que disso temos. Trata-se portanto, de trazer para o espaço comum e partilhável de uma exposição coletiva, diferentes abordagens.
Surviving New Land, 2010
Duration: 20:26
Medium: DVD
I did not know in what land I had been cast, in what country, among what nation, nor whether I would endure a single night here, let alone a week, or a month ...
Surviving New Land is a film, shot from a vessel that slowly circumnavigated the Maasvlakte 2 island, thus adopting the point of view of an explorer about to set foot on undiscovered territory.
The image – reminiscent of the watercolour impressions Dutch explorers made of the coastlines they encountered – shows the sea washing up on virgin land. But the accompanying soundtrack suggests that the very idea of undiscovered land, or a blank zone on a map waiting to be filled in, is a particular cultural fiction. The soundtrack is composed of clips from various feature films, which all tell tales of Westerners arriving in new land. Underscored by gripping orchestral music, the clips dramatize the excitement of imminent discovery, as well as the despair of marooned expeditions.
‘New land’ is imagined either as a place of opportunity or of fiasco.
That fantasies of new territory and ever-expanding opportunities for financial exploitation may strand, is ironically confirmed by the fact that the contractors for the Maasvlakte are also responsible for the extravagant ‘countries of the world’ islands project near Dubai, which the recent credit crisis has left largely empty and unsustainable.
Plataforma Revólver (para a arte contemporânea)
Rua da Boavista 84 1200-068 Lisboa Portugal
Horário // Opening Hours:
Qua/Sáb: 14:00 - 19:00 // Wed/Sat: 2pm -7pm
(última entrada: 18:30 // last entrance: 6:30pm)
Encerrado nos feriados // Closed on public holidays
Como chegar // How to get here:
Autocarro // Bus: 774, 714
Eléctrico // Tram: 25E
Metro // Subway: Cais do Sodré
Mais informação // For more information:
E: plataformarevolver@gmail.com
T:+351 213 433 259