BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE: RETHINKING LATIN AMERICAN ART IN THE 21ST CENTURY![]() ARTECAPITAL2011-03-16![]() Como reescerever a histĂłria da arte da AmĂ©rica Latina? Entre os dias 11 e 13 de Março realizou-se o simpĂłsio âBetween Theory and Practice: Rethinking Latin American Art in the 21st Centuryâ que juntou especialistas, curadores, directores e artistas em torno do estudo e apresentação da arte latinoamericana no sĂ©culo XXI. No intenso programa de conferĂȘncias, concebido por Cecilia Fajardo-Hill (Curator, Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach), em colaboração com Andrea Giunta, CuauhtĂ©moc Medina, Natalia Majluf e Gerardo Mosquera, os vĂĄrios intervenientes focaram o papel do museus: coleccionar, contextualizar e representar a arte latinoamericana no sĂ©culo XXI; e a produção de histĂłrias da arte revisionistas, a emergĂȘncia de novas pesquisas e metodologias, modelos curatoriais, histĂłricos e contemporĂąneos, de apresentação e interpretação da arte produzida na AmĂ©rica Latina. Organizado pelo MOLAA - Museum of Latin American Art (Long Island, CalifĂłrina) e pelo Getty Research Institute de Los Angeles, as conferĂȘncias e os vĂĄrios painĂ©is de oradores podem ser visionados em: www.ustream.tv/user/MOLAA/videos?page=1 HIGHLIGHTS DO PROGRAMA Session I The Role of the Museum: Collecting, Contextualizing, and Representing Latin American Art in the 21st Century (Part 1) The Museumâs Expanded Field Tanya Barson, Tate Modern, London The Museum as a Platform for Thinking MarĂa InĂ©s RodrĂguez, Museo de Arte ContemporĂĄneo de Castilla y LeĂłn, LeĂłn Session II The Role of the Museum: Collecting, Contextualizing, and Representing Latin American Art in the 21st Century (Part 2) Expanding the Contemporary Art Discourse: The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) and Its Latin American Art Program Alma Ruiz, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles From Cartography to a Network Marcelo AraĂșjo, Pinacoteca, SĂŁo Paulo Extraordinary Aliens: New Approaches to the Representation of Latin American Artists in Specialized and International Museums Estrellita Brodsky, Independent curator, art historian, and philanthropist, New York Session III Art Historical Practice: Rethinking Research Methodologies and Interpretive and Critical Frameworks Latin American Art as Center Stage: or How to Make SureWe Never Lose the Asterisk Completely JosĂ© Falconi, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? Modern and Contemporary Art History and Latin America Robin Adele Greeley, University of Connecticut, Mansfield Reformulating Histories: Constructing New Narratives in Latin American Art History Ivonne Pini, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota Session IV The Archival Impulse: Accessing Documents in the Museum and the Politics of Knowledge Politics and the Production of Knowledge in the Museum Context: The ICAAâs Documents of Latin American and Latino Art Project Mari Carmen RamĂrez, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 40 Degrees: Democratizing Fevers. Promises and Mirages from the Archives of the South Miguel LĂłpez, Red Conceptualismos del Sur, Lima The Archive as a Battlefield Cristina Freire, Museo de Arte ContemporĂĄneo de la Universidad de SĂŁo Paulo Session V Curatorial Models: Emblematic Art Historical Cases The Battle of the Canons Luis Camnitzer, State University of New York College at Old Westbury Looking at Ourselves and Letting Ourselves Be Seen: Latin America in Question Rodrigo Alonso, Universidad de Buenos Aires From an Anthropophagic Urban Master-Plan to a Group Show: On How to Translate Avant-Garde Spirit from the Americas into Contemporary Discourse Inti Guerrero, Independent curator, Amsterdam Session VI Curatorial Models: Emblematic Contemporary Cases The Right to Speak Tania Bruguera, Art Institute of Chicago When (Bad) Faith Moves Borders: Eight Aspects for Analyzing the Representation of Mexico Abroad Magali Arriola, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City :::: PROGRAMA COMPLETO: www.tinyurl.com/4hru7da |